Sports @ MBU

MBU places a high value on students’ active participation in various sports, recognizing its significance in today’s fast-paced world. Engaging in sports not only contributes to the development of an individual’s personality but also promotes their overall health and fitness. To support this ethos, the Department of Physical Education at MBU boasts state-of-the-art sports facilities, including a fully equipped gym and fitness area.

Regular intrauniversity events are organized, offering students opportunities to showcase their skills and sportsmanship. Moreover, dedicated training sessions prepare students to excel in intercollegiate, inter-zonal, and inter-university championships and athletic meets. The teaching-learning process emphasizes mastering exercises, understanding the role of physical activity, and acquiring skills in various games. Additionally, students are guided on approaching competitive events, fostering a holistic understanding of sportsmanship.

At MBU, our primary objective is to instill sports consciousness among our students, encouraging them to embrace an active lifestyle. We are committed to nurturing skill development, providing recreational outlets, and promoting the core values of integrity among not just our students but also our faculty and staff. Through these efforts, we aim to create a vibrant and inclusive sports culture within our university community.

Admissions Enquiry

Admissions Enquiry