School of Pharmaceutical Sciences

MB School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, formerly known as Sree Vidyanikethan College of Pharmacy, located in Tirupati, stands as a distinguished institution for pharmaceutical education and research within the country. Established in 2004 and initially affiliated with JNTU, it was later brought under the umbrella of MB University in 2022.

Offering a comprehensive range of programs, including B.Pharm, PharmD, PharmD (Post Baccalaureate), M.Pharm (Pharmaceutics, Pharmaceutical Analysis), MB School of Pharmaceutical Sciences provides excellent opportunities for aspiring pharmacists in both pharmaceutical industries and healthcare multinational corporations in India. Recognized as one of the leading institutions in the country, the school offers an outstanding curriculum designed to equip students with professional capabilities, enabling them to achieve excellence in the evolving healthcare system.

In the 21st century, pharmacists play a crucial role in managing drug therapy, counseling patients on proper medication use, and monitoring drug therapy outcomes. The new Pharm.D program at MB School of Pharmaceutical Sciences is specifically tailored to prepare students for these responsibilities.

Committed to maintaining high-quality education standards, MBSOPS ensures that its students not only receive top-notch education but also excel in their pursuits. Many students receive GPAT scholarships for higher education, while those venturing abroad for further studies secure placements in prestigious international universities in the UK, USA, and Australia.

The faculty and staff at MB School of Pharmaceutical Sciences with their expertise, contributing to an enriching learning environment and inspiring students in their research activities. They employ advanced teaching techniques and learning aids, molding students into outstanding professionals. The institution boasts state-of-the-art infrastructure, providing exceptional facilities to nurture budding pharmacists.

In addition to the core academic program, the institution supplements the learning experience with a diverse range of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. This holistic approach aims to develop not only technical expertise but also personality excellence and leadership qualities crucial for success in a competitive world.


To be a global leader in the field of Pharmaceutical Education and Health Care Management by providing Quality Education, Training, Research and Entrepreneurial Ecosystem.


Developing competencies and skills to solve problems in the field of Pharmaceutical Sciences through contemporary Curriculum and congenial learning environment.

Imbibing ethics and values in students for effective Pharmaceutical practice through curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Encourage faculty and staff to excel in their respective fields and demonstrate the best of their abilities by way of continuing education, research and consultancy.

Message from Dean's desk

MB School of Pharmaceutical Sciences is dedicated to producing competent professionals in the field of Pharmacy and its related areas for both industry and research. Over the past 50 years, the role of pharmacists in healthcare services has evolved significantly. From drug discovery to production, quality control to medical counseling, pharmacists have become an integral part of the drug and pharmaceuticals industry as well as healthcare systems.

Our commitment at MB School of Pharmaceutical Sciences is to meet the ever-growing global demand for quality professionals by providing knowledge dissemination, skill development, and instilling values. Our teaching-learning process focuses on practical training, fieldwork, research, and the development of employability skills. Our passionate team of teachers with strong research backgrounds is dedicated to enhancing the learning experience of our students.

We encourage our students to participate in national and international conferences, workshops, and developmental programs in the pharmacy domain. Personality development is a crucial aspect of student growth on our campus. We emphasize English communication skills, analytical and logical reasoning, critical thinking, problem-solving, and time management techniques. Graduates from Sree Vidyanikethan have found successful placements in various sectors such as the pharmaceutical industry, hospital pharmacies, clinical research organizations, national research institutions, medical scribing companies, medical coding companies, pharmacy institutions and government agencies.

Dr. Mallikarjuna B.P
Ph: +91 9060999967

I extend a warm invitation to all students to join MB School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, a place of learning, innovation, and research, where they can realize their dreams and ambitions. “I am still learning – Michelangelo at age 87”

Programs Offered

Under Graduate Programs

Post Graduate Programs


Department of Pharmaceutics

The Department of Pharmaceutics is part of MB school of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Pharmaceutics is the science of dosage form design that deals with all facets of the process of turning a new chemical entity into a medication able to be safely and effectively used by patients in the community.

The Department has state-of-the art labs, modern facilities and well experienced staffs that are considered one of the most advanced infrastructures in the country. It offers the students and research scholars to enrich their skill and knowledge in all disciplines from Preformulation studies, development of various dosage forms like Tablets, Capsules, Ointments, Creams, Syrups, nanoformulations and studying the biopharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic aspects of the developed dosage forms in achieving safe and efficient drug therapy. The department also provides a training environment that includes cutting edge laboratory instruments and technologies for students and Ph.D research scholars.

The Department has remarkable research activities and has been publishing wide range of research articles  every year in well reputed peer reviewed indexed journals. Also, it has an excellent placement track record.

Major Thrust Area of the Department

  • Dosage form design, development, optimization and evaluations for BCS-II & III drugs
  • Micro-and nanotheragnosis concepts for the early detection and treatment of malignant diseases and other life-threatening diseases
  • Eradication of biofilm-producing microorganisms from the surfaces of implanted or inserted medical devices into human body
  • Ligand anchored lipid/polymer-mediated nanoarchitectonics
  • Pharmacoengineering to fight against neglected diseases
  • 3D Engineering & Printing Technology
  • Drug(s)-in-adhesive matrix/reservoir type transdermal therapeutic systems
  • Nanomedicines for organ/lymphatic delivery with deep molecular insights
  • Extrusion based biofilaments processing for fused-filaments applications
  • Translational cutting-edge pharmaceutical research & development

Department of Pharmaceutical Analysis

Pharmaceutical Analysis is a branch of practical chemistry that involves a series of process for identification, determination, quantification and purification of a substance, separation of the components of a solution or mixture, or determination of structure of chemical compounds.

The department is committed to excellence in the field of Pharmaceutical Analysis to produce competent Pharmaceutical Analyst to meet the present scenario of Pharmaceutical industries. The laboratories in the department are equipped with advanced facilities, keeping in view of the needs of Pharmacy profession and health care industry. The department has extensive research activities and is also indulged in various interdisciplinary researches.  There is good liaison between regulatory authorities, Pharmaceutical industry, official laboratories and academic establishments to further assist in student’s career development. A broad knowledge of the pharmaceutical analysis is disseminated to the students by a team of inspired and enthusiastic faculty members who are wholeheartedly involved in teaching learning process.

The departmental activities are mainly focused on training and handling the modern analytical instruments such as HPLC, HPTLC, Spectrophotometers, Fluorimeter, Flame photometer, etc., by the graduate students and research scholars. The principal remit of the department is the discovery, development and application of analytical methods and techniques relevant to Pharmaceutical sciences.

Thrust Areas of the Department

  • Analytical and Bio analytical method development and validation
  • QbD based analytical method optimization
  • Impurity Profiling
  • Development and validation of stability indicating analytical methods
  • Food and cosmetic analysis
  • Application of green chemistry for rapid analysis of drugs
  • Standardization of Herbal formulations.

Name of the Instruments

  • Colorimeter
  • Fluorimeter
  • Flame Photometer
  • Analytical Balances
  • Conductivity meter
  • Potentiometer
  • Digital melting point apparatus
  • Rotary Evaporator
  • Digital PH Meter
  • Digital Balance
  • Shimadzu HPLC system with UV-Vis Detector
  • IR Spectrophotometer
  • UV-Vis Spectrophotometer
  • Electrophoresis


The department is housed with sophisticated analytical instruments in separate air-conditioned rooms. Proper maintenance and utilization of the analytical instruments are carried out under the supervision of well-trained faculty members. Emphasis is laid on imparting hands-on experience to each and every student in handling all the analytical instruments. The department has separate labs for postgraduate and undergraduate students which are well furnished and designed to permit students ample working space.

Department of Pharmacology

Department of Pharmacology is a Pre-clinical science department that form a part of MB school of Pharmaceutical Sciences and is focused on basic life sciences research, undergraduate and postgraduate teaching for B.Pharm, Pharm.D and Postgraduate students, and training and development of graduates. The development of new and successful drugs requires advances and insights generated by scientific research. Pharmacology is all about “finding out how drugs work”. It is concerned with the effects of drugs on living organisms and their components such as cells, membranes, organelles, enzymes and DNA.

The Department of Pharmacology is at the forefront of research into the effects of drugs and other molecules on biological systems with a view to understanding the mechanisms of the human body.  Pre-clinical research in the department aims to screen new lead molecules upon living systems as the first step towards a greater understanding of disease and effective treatment.

The Pharmacology Department has special interests in Diabetes and associated degenerative diseases, Neuroscience, Reno protective, Gastroenterology and Oncology. The research is done with state-of-the-art equipment in facilitated laboratories with good technical support. Faculty in the department present lectures, seminars and tutorials for undergraduate and postgraduate students on the mechanism of action, pharmacological and adverse effects of the drugs. The department has centralized animal house approved by CPCSEA (Registration no: 930/PO/Re/S/2006/CPCSEA) for conducting experiments on Mice, Rats, etc.

Thrust Areas of the Department:

  • Neuropharmacology like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disorders
  • Metabolic Disorders
  • In silico Molecular Analysis
  • In vitro Cell Culture Studies
  • Preclinical Alternative Animal models
  • Screening of new chemical entities for Pharmacological activities
  • Oncology studies
  • Wound Healing studies

Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry

The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry consists of  4 faculty members, PhD research scholars working at the interface of drug chemistry and target biology. The faculty members are actively involved in search of novel inhibitors in the area of inflammation, cancer, tuberculosis as well as isolation and characterization of natural products. The undergraduate and postgraduate programs for the students are designed to develop better understanding of the subject throughout the curriculum and enhance student’s training to meet industrial need. Students learn organic synthesis, analytical instrument handling, natural product isolation and characterization, medicinal chemistry, lead identification and optimization with modern equipment for research work. The Pharmaceutical Chemistry graduates, postgraduates and doctorates are widely employed on both national and international levels.

The department is equipped with the necessary instrumentation, promoting research to undergraduate students. The faculty members are recognized authorities in their areas of specialization such as Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Biochemistry, Natural Product Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry.

Thrust areas of the Department:

The Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry specializes in the area of organic chemistry, medicinal chemistry, Phytochemistry, analytical method development, drug design and development.  The department thrust area is the development of small molecule inhibitors for breast cancer, tuberculosis and SARS -CoV-2. The faculty has published research paper in reputed national and international journals.   Every year conferences/seminars are being organized to update students as well as the faculties with the recent advances in the field.

  • Design and development of small molecule inhibitor for breast cancer, antimycobacterium, anti-inflammatory, SARS-CoV-2, PCOS and Diabetes
  • Natural product chemistry, including isolation of active phytochemicals, standardization, development of polyhedral formulation
  • CADD and analytical method development

Department of Pharmacognosy

Pharmacognosy remains as a promising and ever blooming modern science with its multiple disciplines including ethnobiology, ethnomedicine, phytochemistry and phytomedicine. Natural products have been a continuous source of novel drug leads like salicin, quinine, artemisinin, vincristine, vinblastine, paclitaxel some of which still existing as irreplaceable current drug candidates. The Department of Pharmacognosy provides extensive theoretical as well as practical knowledge in extraction and isolation of various secondary metabolites, formulation and standardization of herbal cosmetics at its undergraduate level.

The students undergoing post-graduation are trained and skilled with every aspect of pharmacognostical and phytochemical research and are given a clear insight on herbal drug development, isolation, characterization of active constituents, bioprospecting, development of nutraceuticals and cosmeceuticals of natural origin. The department also focuses on quality assurance, regulatory policies over herbal trade, and challenges in monitoring the safety of herbal medicines along with several other basic equipments in order to achieve and ensure quality research output.

Thrust areas of the Department:

  • Scientific validation of medicinal plants based on their folklore claims
  • Screening of novel plant-based chemical entities
  • Standardisation and bioactivity studies of traditional formulations
  • Herbal cosmetics – Formulation and evaluation
  • Chemistry of natural antioxidants

Department of Pharmacy Practice

The Department of Pharmacy Practice which specializes uniquely in imparting advanced pharmacy practice and rendering excellent clinical pharmacy services. The department caters to the need of clinicians, allied health care professionals and patients by undertaking services such as patient counseling, drug information services, pharmacokinetics, medication reconciliation, pharmacovigilance, clinical trials, health screening services, health awareness programs, community outreach programs and organizing medical camps. The department is committed to excellence in teaching, scholarship, and service. The department plays a major role in inculcating the continuing Pharmacy education program through innovative teaching methods and developing skills to foster critical thinking and the optimal use of medications.

The department comprises a team of committed faculty who are involved in focused teaching on developing therapeutic knowledge, drug information skills, drug dispensing skills, skills related to medication therapy monitoring, identification of drug related problems and patient education to provide pharmaceutical care and

manage disease states in a variety of practice settings. Pharmacy Practice is the study of Pathophysiology and Pharmacotherapy of diseases, management and treatment with emphasis on drugs of choice, dosing schedules, side effects, precautions to be taken, drug-drug interactions and patient counselling.  In addition, emphasis is laid on Hospital Pharmacy, Clinical Pharmacy, Community Pharmacy, Clinical Research, Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics.

Our faculties have diverse expertise in areas of medication review, patient safety programs, pharmacogenomics, pharmacoeconomics, evidence-based approach and clinical research, etc.  Pharmacy practice faculty serve on academic committees at all levels (department, school and university), advise students in the professional program and precept students in advanced practice experiences.

Department Activities

Department of Pharmacy Practice, MB School of Pharmaceutical Sciences attached to Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences Hospital, (SVIMS)Tirupati,(1000 beded hospital) and provides clinical-based services to the pharmacy practice students in the following departments.

  • General Medicine
  • Cardiology
  • Respiratory Medicine
  • Pediatrics
  • Psychiatry
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Nephrology/Urology
  • Neurology
  • Gastroenterology
  • Oncology
  • Dermatology
  • General Surgery
  • Obstetrics & Gynecology

Research within the MB School of Pharmaceutical Sciences shows the entrepreneurial spirit that made Mohan Babu University what it is today. The School maintains a long tradition of interdisciplinary collaboration across academic departments, industry and government — conducting cutting-edge translational research that encompasses the full spectrum from basic laboratory discoveries to clinical care advances, and sparking real breakthroughs on complex and pervasive health challenges.

This committee provides impetus to the research and development activities and to provide guidance, directions to the faculty research committee. It has representation from all departments.

Identify promising areas for growth. Maintain vibrancy of areas that are currently strong.

  • Develop and maintain close ties with industry and government to promote technical exchange and collaboration on projects with significant potential for future growth and value.
  • Develop a sense of community in which faculty, staff, and students can work together productively and grow personally and professionally.
  • Maintain excellence and encourage multidisciplinary research amongst faculty, students
  • Promote, by maintaining highest standards of academic integrity, interdisciplinary research, faculty entrepreneurship and formulate related policies.

Research Projects sanctioned to MB School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, by various funding agencies:

To encourage students to start their own enterprise and ensures such entrepreneurs imbibed with leadership qualities using innovative and ethical business practices to make global impact.

V-HUB Incubation Center of MBSPS was established to foster innovation and entrepreneurship culture among students and faculty members of the suburb. It helps and provides support to young entrepreneurs and innovators by providing a plan to boost their idea from the pre-incubation stage to the product stage. The center provides all types of support from the ideation stage to the final prototype stage to the start-up stage to even delivering the patented products. It aims to develop entrepreneurship abilities for the faculty members and students so that they can empower society and improve the economy. The center aims to convert the conventional job-seeking approach of the students and researchers to a disruptive job providing approach. To build the chance for not only creating the job opportunity to even putting up the holistic multi- dimensional approach for the innovators. The Center reduces the gap between venture capitalists and innovators by providing many types of entrepreneurship development training such as mock investor rounds pitch presentations, etc. The Center works in close coordination with the Ministry of MSME to provide all possible support to boost start-ups.

In addition to classroom learning, we actively encourage students to engage in various extracurricular activities such as seminars, workshops, symposiums, guest lectures, paper presentations, and personality development programs. These opportunities allow students to enhance their knowledge and skills beyond the traditional classroom setting.

The Industrial Visit is a part of the Curriculum. The objective of the Industrial Visit is to provide an insight of the working environment of the organization and also to increase the practical knowledge of the students. During the industrial visits the students get an opportunity to interact with the senior and experienced officials of the organization and know the working methodology and the various practices followed by the employers. With industrial visits the students get an excellent opportunity to interact with the industries and gain knowledge about industrial environment.

Placement Cell of MB school of Pharmaceutical Sciences is actively involved in industrial training, project work and placement of students. We provide a well-established platform that work as a link between the industries and students. 

MB school of Pharmaceutical Sciences helps each student in exploring placement opportunities by inviting various Pharmaceutical companies/CROs/Organizations/Contract manufacturers for campus recruitment of students who are in the final year of the programme and are likely to graduate at the end of the academic year.

The MB School of Pharmaceutical Sciences has a collaborative research partnership with numerous Pharma companies and Research Institutes for conducting various Pre Clinical and Clinical studies. The College also offers consultancy services among various areas of Research including pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and Pharmaceutical Analysis.

Clubs and Professional Societies

Admissions Enquiry

Admissions Enquiry