School of Agriculture

The School of Agriculture, a new addition to Mohan Babu University (MBU), started its journey in 2022 with the aim of Introducing a difference in Agricultural Education and Research. School of Agriculture  aims to bring new paradigms in learning various sciences and technologies embraced in the field of agriculture and allied fields like Horticulture, Agribusiness Management, Animal Husbandry, Food Science & Technology, Food & Nutrition, Soil & Water Engineering, Protected Agriculture, Sustainable and Organic Farming, etc., through multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and holistic learning.

We  wish to create its own niche by bringing together the industry and service sectors related to agriculture/farming with a unique curriculum & knowledge-sharing platforms that enhance the skills and employability of the students. We primarily focus on encouraging students in the development of business acumen through the proper nurturing of ideas for the development of business proposals, execution & implementation, analysis & feedback, and finally making them future agripreneurs and business leaders.

As a school, we associate with all progressive and dynamic business and research institutes that simplify the lives of farmers and agripreneurs with IT, ICTs, big data management, etc., because agriculture has transformed from a state of occupation to business. Further, convincingly, a farmer and a rural society need major impetus for transforming & revolutionizing the agricultural sector through enhancement of per factor productivity and profitability, as well as doubling the farmers’ income. One of the strategic objectives of School of Agriculture  is to create a network of students, researchers, professionals, entrepreneurs, and institutions on the same platform for knowledge sharing & interactions, which would enhance strategic thinking, managerial skills, the ability to become entrepreneurs, and play leadership roles, etc.


To be a globally reputed institution producing agricultural graduates with high knowledge, skills, employability, and competence by imparting focused practical technical education through innovative and analytical approaches with a core objective of creating desirable manpower for agriculture and all allied agri-related business besides contributing to the rural society and the nation.


To provide the best possible infrastructure and facilities for innovative teaching and learning of agricultural and all allied subjects like horticulture, agricultural engineering, food science & technology, animal husbandry etc.

To create an interface with internationally reputed research and education institutions for benefitting students with knowledge-sharing and work opportunities To establish a centre of excellence and innovation incubator for creating industry interface and partnerships for enhancing the technical competence of students as per the needs of the industry.

To empower students with the latest agricultural and horticultural techniques and skills for promoting employability as well as encouraging / developing into agripreneurs.

Inculcating basic human values and work ethics in the process of making good Samaritans for the society and nation.

Message from Dean's desk

School of Agriculture , MBU gives an opportunity to train the students in all aspects of agricultural sciences. Develop the knowledge of the students from the traditional agriculture to latest precision agriculture involving more practical training to acquire the required skills to address the field problems of farming community holistically. Students graduated from School of Agriculture , MBU will be delivering the solutions to achieve potential yields of crops duly addressing day to day problems in crop production. Further, they will be trained in efficient management of natural resources viz., soil, water, plant resources etc.

Dr. T. Giridhara Krishna
Ph: +91 9640934746

Programs Offered

Undergraduate Programs


Department of Agronomy

The Agronomy Department is a branch of agricultural science that focuses on the study of crops and involves the application of various scientific principles and practices to enhance the production and quality of crops, considering sustainable and environmentally friendly approaches. We educate students about the principles and practices of crop production, soil fertility, irrigation management, weed science, integrated farming systems, precision agriculture, and organic farming. The department has a well-developed field unit to conduct practical lessons, as well as a well-equipped laboratory for hands-on training to expose students to various elements of agriculture.

The Agronomy Department has a mandate to develop cost-effective and appropriate production technologies for the efficient and optimal use of resources in a sustainable manner. Its focus is on addressing key challenges in agriculture and promoting practices that enhance productivity while minimizing the cost of cultivation and environmental impact.

Department of Genetics and Plant Breeding

Plant Breeding is an indispensable tool in the fight for food security and responsible environmental stewardship in the 21st century. For more than one hundred years, plant breeding and genetics have been widely recognized for developing novel breeding methodologies and discovering economically important genes and varieties. Currently the department is educating the students about plant breeding techniques, crop improvement, stress physiology, and plant biotechnology.

The future focus of the department at the School of Agriculture, MBU, is to concentrate on next-generation breeding technologies to step up the genetic gains in plant breeding and develop intelligent models to bridge the gap between genotype and phenotype for the next-generation crop improvement to attain food security by climate-smart crop selection.

Department of Agricultural Economics

Agricultural Economics plays a role in the economics of development, for a continuous level of farm surplus is one of the wellsprings of technological and commercial growth. Agricultural Economics provides graduates with a solid core of knowledge. The course is designed to help students apply analytical, business and management skills to a range of activities in the agriculture and natural resource sectors. Graduates have exciting and varied career prospects and most graduates can be found working in senior financial positions all over the world. Agricultural economists all over the world advise the agricultural sector on issues such as financing, marketing, agricultural development, policy, research and production. They use mathematical models to develop programmes that can predict the length and nature of agricultural cycles, market intelligence and price fixation for farm produce; they do research,  review, analyse  and report on it in clear, concise language comprehensible to farmers

Department of Soil Science

The Department of Soil Science plays a pivotal role in the School of Agriculture, it is dedicated to conducting impactful research and educational programs. The department focuses on diverse aspects of the natural soil resource management in areas viz., soil physics, soil chemistry, soil resource inventory, manures, fertilizers, plant chemistry, integrated nutrient management, soil test-based fertilizer recommendation, site specific nutrient management, etc.

Department of Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology

Agricultural Extension and Rural Sociology Dept. in the School of Agriculture, MBU, is to empower farmers and rural communities through innovative and sustainable agricultural practices. Our academic programs, are designed to provide students with practical, hands-on experience. We take pride in our interdisciplinary approach, bringing together experts in agronomy, horticulture, livestock management, and agricultural economics. Engaging with local communities is at the core of our work, as we conduct workshops, training sessions and extension programs to ensure that our research directly impacts and improves agricultural practices at the grassroot level. Our faculty is dedicated in cutting-edge research in providing new methods in transfer of technology from lab to field.

Department of Agricultural Engineering

Agricultural engineering is a specialized branch of engineering that focuses on designing farm machinery, and structures, managing soil, controlling erosion, providing water supply and irrigation, facilitating rural electrification, and processing farm products. It is essential to apply engineering principles in agriculture to fully mechanize agricultural farms. This program offers both theoretical and practical knowledge of engineering applications specifically tailored for agriculture. The curriculum encompasses a range of topics including basic agriculture and engineering, soil and water conservation, farm machinery and power, food processing, and renewable energy. This program not only equips students with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in various fields but also helps them to develop their entrepreneurial abilities.

Department of Plant Physiology and Biochemistry

Plant Physiology and Biochemistry Dept. in the School of Agriculture, MBU, a hub of scientific exploration and agricultural advancement. Our department is dedicated to unraveling the intricacies of plant growth and development, striving to enhance crop productivity and sustainability. Committed to cutting-edge research to delve into the physiological mechanisms that govern plant responses to environment. Through innovative studies in biotic and abiotic stress tolerance in crop plants with growth regulation. Our dynamic academic programs blend theory with hands-on experience, to equip students to address future climate change problems related to crops and environment.

Department of Horticulture

Horticulture has got tremendous potential in terms of food and nutrition apart from providing multitude of employment opportunities to the budding horticulturists. Horticulture is an art and science dealing with Fruits, Vegetables, Flowers, Medicinal Plants, Plantation and Spice Crops. Fruits & Vegetables are rich source of vitamins & minerals. Flowers, a symbol of love and purity, are used to adore deities of all regions. They have capacity to change the moods of human beings. Similarly, to get one self-cured from ailments, medicinal plants have come in hands. To fulfill the needs of present-day requirements, production of all these horticulture products has to be increased adopting the latest technology.

The Dept. of Horticulture in the School of Agriculture, MBU caters to multidisciplinary activities such as teaching, research and extension. Teaching is the prime objective and offering courses in fundamentals of horticulture,

production technology for vegetables, spices and condiments, production technology for fruit and plantation crops, production technology for ornamental crops, MAP and landscaping and post-harvest management and value addition of fruits and vegetables to the UG program. The main aim of department is to impart basic knowledge to students regarding various aspects of horticultural crops; the tie mode of propagation, cultivation practices special horticultural practices, sustainable horticulture, nutritional value of fruits and vegetables and how it is contributing to Indian GDP and what is the scope of horticulture in future as agriculture is the backbone of our nation.

Clubs and Professional Societies

Admissions Enquiry

Admissions Enquiry