Industry Collaborations

S.No. Name of the Organization/Facility Outcomes
1. Sagri Co Ltd Joint research and consultancy works in the field of agricultutre
2. Ravands Plastech Joint research and consultancy in the field of manufacturing engineering
3. Efftronics Systems Private Limited, Vijayawada Esatblsihed an industry sponsored faciltity at MBU  to carryout funadamental and applied research in the field of Internet of Things(IOT)
4. Sarathy Geotech And Engineering Services Private Limited, Bangalore Mentoring to carryout research in the filed of Geo Technical Engineering Research Centre at MBU
5. Maccaferri Environmental Solutions Private Limited Mentoring to carryout research in the filed of Geo Technical Engineering Research Centre at MBU
6. Apssdc-Siemens To carry out fundamental research in the fileds of design, welding and manufacturing
7. RV Machine Tools Conducting advanced research and consultancy in the filed of manufacturing engineering through Micro Machining Research Centre
8. National Mems Design Centre Conducting research in the fileds of Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems and Nano-Electro Mechanical  Systems with the support of IISC,Bengaluru
9. Nanosniff Technologies Private Limited Conducting joint research in the fileds of Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems and Nano-Electro Mechanical  Systems with the support of IISC,Bengaluru
10. Waynestate University Joint research and Consultancy activities
11. RWTH Achen University Joint research and Consultancy activities

Admissions Enquiry

Admissions Enquiry