“In pursuance of its Action Plan for performance evaluation, assessment & accreditation & quality up-gradation of institutions of higher education, NAAC proposes that every accredited institution should establish an Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) as a post-accreditation quality sustenance measure.”


In line with the goals of NAAC, MBU has constituted the Internal Quality Assurance Cell as per the guidelines given by NAAC during the inception of the university. As quality enhancement is an ongoing process, the IQAC will seamlessly integrate into the institution’s system and actively strive to achieve the goals of improving and maintaining quality.

Vision and Mission


To be a light of excellence to promote quality in academic, research and outreach within our organization and beyond.


Through offering continuous assistance in planning and execution of institute level activities. Organizing periodical reviews and planning actions for remedial. Mentoring and assisting the process of accreditation and ranking.

IQAC Policy

  • Encourage society-oriented transformations through quality research, innovation, and entrepreneurship activities.
  • Learner centre approach in achieving academic excellence through implementing proven methods and transparency in academic assessments.
  • Focus Accountability in all academic, research and administrative processes for all the stakeholders.
  • Persuade a culture of ongoing improvement by regular Self-assessments and continuous feedback mechanisms. 



  • To create and implement quality assurance activities that are consistent with standards of accreditation agencies and metrics.
  • To foster a culture of continual development and excellence throughout every perspective of the university’s operations.
  • To promote research, innovation, and multidisciplinary collaboration to meet social demands.
  • Enhancing students’ employability and overall growth through holistic education.


  • Documentation of the various programs/activities showcasing progress towards quality improvement.
  • Conduct of periodic review meetings by coordinating all the office bearers and do follow-up until accomplishments.
  • Acting as a central hub of the Institution for coordinating quality-related activities, including the adoption and dissemination of best practices.
  • Continuously developing and maintaining the institutional database through a software platform to ensure the ongoing improvement of institutional quality.
  • Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) in accordance with the guidelines and parameters of NAAC, to be submitted to NAAC.


  • Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the institution.
  • Creating an environment that promotes quality education and supports faculty in adopting new knowledge and technology for interactive teaching and learning.
  • Arrangement for feedback response from students, parents, and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes.
  • Sharing information about the diverse quality aspects of higher education
    Facilitating the organisation of workshops and seminars on quality-related themes, both within and between institutions, to foster collaboration and knowledge sharing.
  • Encouraging the formation and promotion of quality circles to enhance overall quality and productivity.

Benefits and Outcomes

  • Ensure an elevated degree of clarity and concentration in the operations of the institution with the aim of improving quality.
  • Guarantee the assimilation of the quality culture.
  • Ensure coordination and improvement across the institution’s numerous activities and institutionalize all best practices.
  • Facilitate decision-making on a solid foundation to enhance institutional operations.
  • Serve as a dynamic system for HEI quality variations.
  • Construct an organized documentation and internal communication methodology.

 Schedule of Quarterly Meetings

Quarter 1          Jul – Sep

Quarter 2          Oct – Dec

Quarter 3          Jan – Mar

Quarter 4          Apr – Jun

The quarterly review meeting will take place on the third Saturday of every month that ends in a quarter. Both internal and external members of the IQAC will be present.

Dr. K. KarunakaranVice ChancellorChairperson
2.Sri. Vinay MaheswariExecutive Director, MBUMember
3.Prof. Nagaraj RamraoProvostMember
4.Dr. K. SaradhiRegistrarMember
5.Dr. B.M. SatishDean, SoE & SoCMember
6.Dr. B.P. MallikarjunaDean, SoPSMember
7.Dr. T. Giridhar KrishnaDean, SoAMember
8.Dr. Avireni SrinivasuluDean, R&IMember
9.Dr. P.V. RamanaDean, Academic AffairsMember
10.Mr. Vikas SinghChief Growth & Strategy OfficerMember
11.Dr. N. GireeshDean, FreshmenMember
12.Dr. T. Devaraji/c Dean, Students AffairsMember
13.Dr. Delhi Babu KollaVice President – CDCMember
14.Dr. S. HemachandraDean , Industry & International RelationsMember
15.Dr. M. Sunil KumarController of ExaminationsMember
16.Dr. E. Balaji Prasad RaoIn-charge University LibrarianMember
17.Dr. Theja RaoSri Maruthi Hospital, TirupatiMember
18.Ms. Earla NikithaStudent (ECE), Reg.No.22101A030096Member
19.Mr. Lakshmi NarayanaStudent (AI&ML)
20.Mr. K. Srinivasa SaiAlumni (EIE),
Ph. No: 8919486136
21.Sri. P. Hemadri NaiduParents RepresentativeMember
22.Sri. Lavanam AmbalaNational Head, Talent Acquisition, Wipro.Member
23.Sri. Damodar DuttuluruM.D. Ravands Plastech, Chittoor.Member
24.Dr. K. Reddy MadhaviDy. Dean, RankingsMember
25.Dr. I. SivaDy. Dean, AccreditationsMember Secretary

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Admissions Enquiry

Admissions Enquiry