The SPIKES Club of Mohan Babu University organized an event titled “Word lee”, a celebration of the richness and creativity of English language on 24th December, 2024 from 12.45 to 1.45 P.M at Room no 207. The activity aimed to engage participants in a series of interactive challenges designed to test vocabulary, communication skills, and teamwork in a fun and dynamic setting.
The event was coordinated and organized under the guidance of Faculty Coordinator Dr. Busireddy Hemanth Kumar (Associate Professor of the Department of EEE) whose wholehearted support and guidance helped the participants to do their best. A total of 58 participants attended the event, displaying remarkable teamwork and creativity throughout the session. Their enthusiasm and competitive spirit added to the vibrancy of the activity
The event, WORD LEE was designed to showcase Participants linguistic prowess by solving creative word puzzles, Creative Thinking Tasks navigated through unique rounds requiring out-of-the-box thinking, A variety of engaging word games kept the participants on their toes. Describing, miming, and writing tasks were used to crack word-based challenges, adding excitement and variety to the event. The event created an engaging and competitive atmosphere, where participants collaborated and competed with energy and enthusiasm. The dynamic rounds ensured laughter, learning, and a delightful celebration of wordplay. The event was expertly organized by the student Coordinator Shaik Ismail, whose meticulous planning and execution ensured the event’s success
The Faculty Coordinator Dr. Busireddy Hemanth Kumar (Associate Professor of the Department of EEE) expressed his sincere gratitude to the participants for their significant contribution and making it a grand success. Word lee providing participants with a platform to showcase their language skills while fostering a sense of camaraderie and fun. The SPIKES CLUB extends its gratitude to all the participants and organizers for making this event a memorable experience.
“Word Lee” proved to be a resounding success, providing participants with a platform to showcase their language skills while fostering a sense of camaraderie and fun. The SPIKES CLUB extends its gratitude to all the participants and organizers for making this event a memorable experience.