The Reader’s Club at Mohan Babu University organized an event titled “Festive Quiz: Exploring the Spirit of Sankranti” on 7th January 2025 from 3 to 4.30 P.M at Room no 4300. This event aimed to celebrate the joyous Sankranti festival while fostering a sense of unity, learning, and cultural appreciation among the participants. The main objective of the event was to delve into the traditions, rituals, foods, and folklore associated with Sankranti, thereby enriching participants’ knowledge about the festival’s cultural and regional significance.
The event was coordinated with the consistent support and the guidance of the Faculty Advisor Ms. Harathi Nirmala (Assistant Professor of the Department of ECE). 46 enthusiastic participants from the diverse backgrounds graced the occasion in order to test their knowledge and gained insights about the harvest festival
The event was structured in an engaging and interactive format that kept participants enthusiastic and eager to learn. A lively environment was created, promoting both fun and education. The quiz focused on various aspects of the Sankranti festival, including: Customs and traditions, regional variations across India. Special dishes and festive foods, folk tales and rituals. Participants enhanced their understanding of Sankranti and its significance. The quiz promoted cultural awareness and appreciation among the attendees. The event served as a platform for bonding, learning, and celebrating the festive spirit in an academic setting.
The Reader’s Club extends heartfelt gratitude to the organizer, Ms. N. Harathi, for her dedicated efforts in planning and executing the event. The participants’ enthusiasm and the lively interaction made the event a grand success.
The “Festive Quiz: Exploring the Spirit of Sankranti” was a memorable and enlightening experience, perfectly encapsulating the joyous spirit of the festival. Through this engaging activity, participants not only celebrated Sankranti but also deepened their understanding of its cultural heritage, fostering a sense of unity and appreciation for India’s rich traditions.