The “Ramanujan Club” of Mohan Babu University organized a “Quiz Session on GENERAL MATHEMATICS” scheduled on September 13, 2024 specifically designed for B.Tech beginners of CSE Branch. The Session benefited the participants in different aspects. Quiz session requires quick thinking and innovative approaches to problems. It helped students sharpen their analytical skills, boosted their confidence level in terms of Mathematical abilities. Apart from these, it fostered their collaboration and communication skills. The said event acted as the greater motivation to the participants to research more about Mathematical science. The event was absolutely a fun-filled event, made learning math enjoyable, providing a fun way to engage with the subject and its community. Participants performed well that leads to elevate their interest and the confidence on Mathematics. The event ended with a tie between two groups.
It was conducted under the competent guidance of the Club Coordinators Dr. Binaya K. Bishi, Associate Professor of Mathematics Department) and Ms. Ch. Bhavitha (Assistant Professor of Mathematics Department.).