The IETE Student Forum (ISF) of Mohan Babu University brought the holiday spirit alive with the vibrant and joyous event, titled,“Jingle Bell Journey,” celebrating the essence of Christmas on 23rd December 2024 from 1 to 2 P.M at Room no 201. The event aimed to radiate festive cheer with captivating decorations, sparkling lights, and melodious holiday tunes filling the air.
The event was conducted by the event Coordinator Dr. T.V.V Satyanarayana (Associate Professor of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering) whose wholehearted support and guidance helped the participants to do their best. With 20 enthusiastic participants, the event showcased the true joy of the season, spreading smiles and fostering a sense of community
Attendees, including both students and faculties, were treated to a delightful range of activities that perfectly blended fun and intellect. A Christmas-themed quiz that challenged participants’ knowledge and created a lively, competitive atmosphere. Interactive sessions that encouraged collaboration, creativity, and festive engagement. The beautifully adorned venue added to the charm, immersing everyone in the holiday spirit. “Jingle Bell Journey” wasn’t just about celebrating Christmas; it was a heartwarming reminder of the values of togetherness, camaraderie, and teamwork. The ISF team’s meticulous planning and enthusiasm ensured every moment was memorable, making it a standout event in the university’s calendar.
The Department appreciated the efforts of all participants and looks forward to organizing similar events to inspire and empower students in their academic and personal growth.