The IDEA Club of Mohan Babu University hosted an innovative event titled, “Eco Sphere”, on 21st December 2024 from 12.30 to 1.30 P.M at Seminar Hall. The event aimed at sparking creativity and promoting sustainable ideas that inspire and empower both individuals and communities. This dynamic activity was built on the philosophy that small actions can lead to monumental impacts.
The event was conducted and coordinated under the competent guidance and support of the Faculty Coordinator Dr. G. Silpa (Associate Professor of School of Commerce and Management) whose insignificant assistance and guidance helped the participants to do their best. With an enthusiastic crowd of 105 participants, the event buzzed with curiosity and energy. Students actively engaged with the presenters, sharing their thoughts, asking questions, and contributing their own ideas.
Four passionate teams took center stage, presenting visionary ideas that addressed contemporary challenges and proposed practical solutions. Some of the standout presentations included, Strategies for launching startups into global markets, building safe havens near malls and marts for stray animals, a step toward greener practices by introducing seed-embedded pencils. The activity successfully fostered a culture of innovation, collaboration, and eco-consciousness. It highlighted the importance of actionable ideas and their potential to create ripple effects of positive change.
The Department appreciated the efforts of all participants and looks forward to organizing similar events to inspire and empower students in their academic and personal growth.