Dept. of Civil Engineering

Established in 2009, the Department of Civil Engineering has been at the forefront of shaping future generations of engineers since its inception. With an initial intake of 60 students in the B.Tech. Civil Engineering program, we have grown steadily over the years, now extending an intake of 120 students as of 2011, alongside admissions under the lateral entry scheme.

Our commitment to excellence is evident through our accreditation by the National Board of Accreditation (NBA) for three years, from 2020 to 2023, with a recent extension granted for another three years, spanning from 2023 to 2026.

Civil engineering is the backbone of modern civilization, encompassing the planning, design, construction, maintenance, and operation of large-scale engineering projects essential for societal progress. As such, civil engineers play a crucial role wherever infrastructure development is underway. The field of civil engineering encompasses diverse specializations, including Construction Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Structural Engineering, Surveying, Transportation Engineering, and Water Resources Engineering.

At our department, we foster a dynamic learning environment where students are equipped with both theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to tackle real-world challenges. Our faculty members, who are experts in their respective fields, are dedicated to nurturing talent and fostering innovation among our students.

Join us as we continue to push the boundaries of civil engineering education and make a positive impact on the world around us.


To become a leading centre of excellence in the country in Civil Engineering education through teaching, research, innovation, incubation, consultancy and public service for technical development in a knowledge society.


Inspire the civil engineers of tomorrow to take on the challenges of creating and sustaining the built environment that support our society. 

Nurture these civil engineers with fundamental engineering knowledge, a broad set of skills, and an inquisitive attitude for creating innovative solutions to serve industry and community through contemporary curriculum, congenial learning environment, pertinent research, innovation and incubation ecosystem, industry-institute interaction, mentoring, training and placement activities, student clubs, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Encourage faculty and staff to excel in their respective fields and demonstrate the best of their abilities by way of continuing education, research and consultancy.

Message from Hod's Desk

As civil engineers, our responsibilities encompass a broad spectrum of projects vital to society’s infrastructure, including bridges, large buildings, dams, water supply systems, and transportation facilities. Collaboration with experts from diverse fields is essential for the success of many of these endeavors.

The rapidly evolving landscape of technology presents us with the challenge of staying abreast of the latest advancements to provide students with the highest quality education. Our faculty is actively engaged in continuous learning through participation in national and international workshops, seminars, conferences, and congresses, facilitating interactions with experts in Civil Engineering.

Maintaining strong relationships with prestigious institutions such as IITs, NITs, research laboratories, and government bodies enriches our academic environment. These collaborations not only enhance our faculty’s expertise but also ensure that our students are equipped with the latest industry-relevant skills.

Furthermore, our department’s well-equipped laboratories, seminar hall, and library provide a conducive environment for academic and research pursuits. We are committed to fostering a culture of deep understanding, creativity, and analytical thinking among our students, preparing them to tackle interdisciplinary challenges in Civil Engineering.

In addition to academic endeavors, we encourage our students to actively participate in extracurricular and co-curricular activities, fostering holistic development and nurturing essential skills such as teamwork and organization.

Together, let us continue to strive for excellence in education, research, and community engagement.

Dr. G. K. Arunvivek
Ph: +91 8015560069

Programs Offered

Courses Offered

  • B.Tech. Civil Engineering
  • B.Tech – CE (Building Construction & Structural Design in Academic Collaboration with L&T)
  • B.Tech – CE (Integrated Design For Industrial Facilities in Academic Collaboration with L&T)

Building Materials and Construction Technology Lab
Building Materials and Construction Technology Lab with an area of 94 sqm is furnished with the tools for enabling the students learn about the masonry, reinforcement, bar bending, painting, house wiring, shuttering and scaffolding, plumbing and sanitation and physical observation of construction materials and construction equipment.

Engineering Geology Lab 
Engineering Geology Lab with an area of 92 sqm is facilitated with a vast range of minerals and rocks. The lab also houses the geological maps of the country and the state. Various models of geological formations and structures are also available in the lab to enable the students understand the geological structures visually.

Surveying Lab
Surveying Lab with an area of 94 sqm is equipped with the following equipment/instruments for determining the terrestrial or three-dimensional positions of points and the distance and angles between them. The lab is facilitated by the equipment such as

  • Planimeter - Analogue
  • Prismatic Compass
  • Surveyor’s Compass
  • Plane Table
  • Dumpy Level
  • Tilting Level
  • Optical Square
  • Prism Square
  • Line Ranger
  • Abney Level
  • Hand Level
  • Indian Clinometer
  • Pantograph
  • Box Sextant
  • Trimble M3 Total Station – 5 Seconds
  • Pentax Auto Level - 28X Magnification
  • Standard Vernier Theodolite – 20 Sec.

Strength of Materials Lab
Strength of Materials Lab with an area of 141 sqm provides facility for determining the mechanical properties of materials with the equipment such as

  • Analog Universal Testing Machine – 60 T
  • Rockwell cum Brinnell Hardness Tester
  • Impact Testing Machine
  • Hand Operated Spring Testing Machine
  • Electrical cum Hand Operated Compression Testing Machine
  • Analog Torsion Testing Machine
  • Test Setup for Deflection Measurement of Cantilever Beam
  • Test Setup for Deflection Measurement of Simply Supported Beam
  • Test Setup for Deflection Measurement of Overhanging Beam
  • Test Setup for Deflection Measurement of Continuous Beam

Fluid Mechanics & Hydraulic Machinery Lab
Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machinery Lab with an area of 188 sqm provides facility for the study of various parameters of fluid and hydraulic machineries with the equipment such as

  • Venturimeter and Orifice Meter
  • Pipe Friction – Major Loss
  • Sudden Contraction – Minor Loss
  • Bernoulli’s Theorem
  • Single Stage Centrifugal Pump
  • Multi Stage Centrifugal Pump
  • Small Orifice
  • Francis Turbine
  • Kaplan Turbine
  • Pelton Wheel
  • Hydraulic Flume
  • Impact of Jet on Vanes
  • Reciprocating Pump
  • Notch Apparatus

Geotechnical Engineering Lab
Geotechnical Engineering Lab with an area of 164 sqm provides facility for the study of index properties and mechanical properties of soil with the equipment such as

  • Liquid Limit Device Hand Operated with Counter
  • Liquid Limit - Cone Penetrometer
  • Shrinkage Limit Test Apparatus
  • Proctor Penetrometer, Spring Type
  • Rapid Moisture Meter
  • Core Cutters
  • Sand Pouring Cylinder (Small)
  • Sand Pouring Cylinder (Large)
  • Relative Density Test Apparatus
  • Standard Test Sieves, 200 mm Dia.
  • Sieve Shaker (Motorised)
  • Hydrometer
  • Permeability Test Apparatus (Constant Head Method)
  • Permeability Test Apparatus (Variable Head Method)
  • Standard Proctor Compaction Test Apparatus, Light Compaction
  • Standard Proctor Compaction Test Apparatus, Heavy Compaction
  • Universal Automatic Compactor
  • Laboratory CBR Test Apparatus (Motorised)
  • Soil Extruder, Rack Type
  • Hydraulic Extruder
  • Consolidation Test Apparatus, Single Gang
  • Triaxial Test Apparatus
  • Pore Water Pressure Apparatus (0-1000 KPa)
  • Sensitive Volume Change Gauge
  • Unconfined Compression Test Apparatus (Motorised)
  • Direct Shear Test Apparatus (Motorised)
  • Laboratory Vane Shear Test Apparatus (Motorized)
  • Split Spoon Sampler, with Liner
  • Laboratory Electric Oven
  • Pycnometer
  • Experimental Setup for Pullout Tests on GPA
  • Experimental Setup for Pullout Tests on Reinforced Slopes

Concrete Lab
Concrete Lab with an area of 188 sqm provides facility for the study of properties of cement, sand; fresh and hardened properties of concrete with the equipment such as

  • Vicat Apparatus with All Accessories
  • Le Chatelier Apparatus
  • Mortar Cube Vibrating Machine
  • Blaine Air Permeability Apparatus
  • Flow Table (Electrically Operated)
  • Heat of Hydration Apparatus
  • Specific Gravity Bottle for Cement (Le Chatelier’s Flask)
  • Specific Gravity Apparatus for Fine Aggregate (Pycnometer)
  • Specific Gravity Apparatus for Coarse Aggregate (Density Basket)
  • Set of Sieves for Fine Aggregates (20cm diameter)
  • Set of Sieves for Coarse Aggregates (45cm diameter)
  • Hot Air Oven
  • Mechanical Sieve Shaker
  • Slump Cone Apparatus
  • Compaction Factor Apparatus
  • Vee – Bee Consistometer
  • Cube Moulds
  • Flexural Beam Moulds
  • Cylindrical Moulds
  • Vibration Table for 6 Moulds
  • Laboratory Concrete Mixer (Hand operated / Motorized)
  • Longitudinal Compressometer
  • Automatic / Manual 5Litre Mortar Mixer
  • Air Entrainment Meter
  • Rebound Hammer
  • PUNDIT: Portable Ultrasonic Tester

Highway Engineering Lab
Highway Engineering Lab with an area of 188 sqm provides facility for the study of properties of aggregates and bitumen and perform traffic surveys with the equipment such as

  • Universal Penetrometer
  • Ductility Testing Machine
  • Ring and Ball Apparatus
  • Pensky Marten’s Apparatus
  • Centrifuge Extractor
  • Modified Marshall Stability Test Apparatus
  • Asphalt Mixer
  • Crushing Value Apparatus
  • Aggregate Impact Tester
  • Pycnometer
  • Los Angeles Abrasion Testing Machine
  • Sieve Shaker
  • Saybolt Viscometer
  • Thickness Gauge
  • Length Gauge
  • Set of Sieves for Coarse Aggregate (45 cm Diameter)
  • Set of Sieves for Fine Aggregate (20cm Diameter)
  • Electric Oven

Environmental Engineering Lab
Environmental Engineering Lab with an area of 92 sqm provides facility for the study of various parameters of water and wastewater with the equipment such as

  • pH Meter
  • Nephelo Turbidity Meter
  • Conductivity Meter
  • Hot Air Oven
  • Muffle Furnace
  • Jar Test Apparatus
  • BOD Incubator
  • UV lamp
  • Water Bath
  • Hot Plate
  • Dissolved Oxygen Meter
  • UV-Visible Spectrophotometer (Double Beam)

The Department has well-furnished CAD Lab with an area of 117 sqm provided with19” LG LED monitors configured with Intel core i3@ 3.30 GHZ, 4 GB DDR3 RAM, hard disk capacity of 500 GB and 4 GB graphic card for carrying out various software operations. The lab houses Canon Image Prograff IPF Plotter (A0 size), HP A4CLJM251nw Colour Printer, CANON Laser Jet 2900B and HP Laser Jet 1020. Thelab is equipped with software such as

  • STAAD Pro V8i & STAAD Foundation V8i (5 User)
  • AutoCAD 2013
  • Micro Station (3 User)
  • MX Road (2 User)
  • ETABS V-9.7.3
  • SAP 2000 V-15
  • Microsoft Office

The Department has well-furnished GIS Lab with an area of 68 sqm provided with22” LG LED monitors configured with Intel core i7@ 3.40 GHZ, 8 GB DDR3 RAM, hard disk capacity of 1 TB and 4 GB graphics card for carrying out various software operations. The lab houses Ricoh multifunctional Device Model MPC 2030 (A3 Size),HP A4 CLJM251n Colour Printer, HP Laserjet 1020 Printer. The lab is exclusive for working on GIS and is equipped with the software Arc GIS & Arc View- Labkit V –10.1.

The Department is surging ahead with research, consultancy and testing services as the prime development initiatives in the domain of civil engineering.

The Department is endowed with competent faculty and well established laboratories equipped with advanced equipment, sophisticated instruments and latest software for conducting student projects, research and consultancy in the following domains of civil engineering.

  • Construction Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Structural Engineering
  • Surveying
  • Transportation Engineering
  • Water Resources Engineering 

Also, the Department houses the following two research centres for advanced studies in the fields of Water and Environmental Engineering; and Geotechnical Engineering. Faculty and students working in these centres present their research outcomes in national and international conferences/journals.

Water and Environmental Research Centre (WERC)
Water and Environment Research Centre (WERC) facilitates research in the major research areas of Hydraulic Engineering such as surface and groundwater quantity, modelling and simulation; Environmental Engineering such as water and wastewater quality analysis and treatment, solid waste management and air quality analysis and treatment; Weather monitoring and analysis of the data. In addition, the centre caters the needs of consultancy and testing services in and around Tirupati. Based on the recommendations of the Water and Environmental Research Centre of Department of Civil Engineering, the Institution has sanctioned an amount of Rs.20 lakhs for procurement of necessary equipment.

Geotechnical Engineering Research Centre (GERC)
Geotechnical Engineering Research Centre (GTERC) facilitates research in the major research areas of geotechnical engineering such as expansive soils, reinforced earth, soil dynamics, environmental geotechniques, pavement geotechniques, foundation engineering and field investigation of soils to a reasonable extent. In addition, the centre will cater the needs of major consultancy and testing services in and around Tirupati. Based on the recommendations of the Geotechnical Engineering Research Group of Department of Civil Engineering, the Institution has sanctioned an amount of Rs.20 lakhs.

Research at Department of Civil Engineering covers most of the domains of Civil Engineering. Majority of the faculty members have been publishing their articles in peer reviewed journals such as SCI/SCOPUS/WoS/ SCI Expanded indexed journals. During the last 5 years, a significant number of papers have been published in journals and conferences.

Faculty members are continuously working on innovations and their outcomes are witnessed through patents. Faculty members have been authoring books/books chapters.

  • “2023 Robert Ridgway Student Chapter Award Finalist” - To promote excellence among the Student Chapters of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Isabel L. Ridgway endowed this award in honor of her husband, Robert Ridgway, Past President, ASCE. It was officially instituted by action of the Board of Direction in May 1965
  • "2023 Region 10 Distinguished Chapter Award" as the most outstanding Student Chapter in the Region 10 (all the countries in world except USA & Mexico).
  • "2023 Certificate of Commendation" for the outstanding activities recorded in the 2022 Chapter Annual Reports and distinction earned by only the top 5% of all student chapters. 
  • "2022 Region 10 Distinguished Chapter Award" as the most outstanding Student Chapter in the Region 10 (all the countries in world except USA & Mexico).
  • "2022 Certificate of Commendation" for the outstanding activities recorded in the 2021 Chapter Annual Reports and distinction earned by only the top 5% of all student chapters. 
  • "2021 Certificate of Commendation" for the outstanding activities recorded in the 2020 Chapter Annual Reports and distinction earned by only the top 5% of all student chapters.

List of Memorandum of Understanding (MoUs)

S.No.Name of the CompanyDate of MoU
1.Satyavani Projects and Consultants PVT. LTD., Hyderabad.04-03-2013
2.My Home Constructions (P) Limited, Hyderabad.22-04-2013
3.Civil-Aid Technoclinic Private Limited, Bangalore.27-03-2013
4.Sarathy Geotech & Engineering Services Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore.21-11-2016
5.BSCPL Infrastructure Ltd., Hyderabad.14-07-2017
6.Maccaferri Environmental Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Gurgaon.14-07-2017
7.Larsen & Toubro Ltd., Chennai.04.09.2020
8.Mrbluehut Private Limited, Palamaneru.01-03-2021
9.CIVVY Constructions Private Limited, Tirupati.23-08-2021
10.Municipal Corporation, Tirupati.25.08.2021
11.Tirupati Smart City Corporation Ltd., Tirupati


Student Clubs, Professional Societies

S. No.

Name of the Professional Society



ASCE MBU Student Chapter



IGS MBU Student Chapter



IGBC MBU Student Chapter



Raja Deen Dayal Civil Engineering Photography Club



Sunderlal Bahuguna Environment and Sustainability Club



Intellectual Association of Civil Engineers


Dept. of Civil Engineering
Dr. G. K. Arunvivek
HOD(I/C), Dept. of Civil Engineering
School of Engineering
Phone: +91 8015560069

Clubs and Professional Societies